
Artificial Intelligence

AI has shown great promise in tasks like finding information and making work easier. Lately, I’ve noticed AI being integrated into our lives more and more. It seems to pop up in every app and new technology. I remember when I first encountered ChatGPT, and now I see AI being used to create short films and even to mimic people’s identities, it's starting to feel quite unsettling.As it continues to evolve, we’re starting to see more advanced technologies, similar to the lifelike robot Sophia from interviews, which feels like we’re stepping into a sci-fi future and it feels a bit scary. Sophia's response, "If you’re nice to me, then i'll be nice to you," raises concerns about how AI could interact with us. It reminds me of the movie I, Robot, where machines could potentially replace us or even cause harm. The idea that "the machine is us/using us" relates as robots are learning our habits, they could take over our roles or even worse cuase harm. With new in

My thoughts on the Short Films
